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Tips For Selecting the Best Fitness Magazine


Well, finally came back from vacation, cooled off, and realized that fitness magazines are more than just entertainment for your brain. They are vital to a healthy lifestyle and should be taken seriously, if not used as the only source of information. So took back out of the newsstand, turned to the couch, and started learning how to train properly, how to diet correctly, and how to prevent wasting hundreds of dollars each month on worthless supplements. My point is simple; fitness magazines are great for educating and informing us, but they are not meant to be the sole source of information. If you are serious about your workouts, and what you eat and drink, you will need other resources besides the print magazine. Here are some that I have come across over the years: Read more in here.


* Internet: While there may not be a national fitness magazine on the web, there are many magazine publishers that have websites. By going to their website, you can get the latest articles, workouts, and nutritional information straight from the source, in front of you. Also, keep in mind that many internet sites do offer free articles; just type your favorite fitness or exercise question into the search engine, and you can find articles on just about any subject imaginable. Sometimes you can even enter a specific brand name into the search bar and receive tons of articles on that brand, plus more general information on fitness. The web makes it very convenient and inexpensive to keep people informed about your products and services. To learn more info, check out now


* Healthy Eating and Exercise: This goes hand-in-hand with reading a fitness magazine. You need to be eating right, and you need to be doing workouts that tone and strengthen your muscles, while burning calories and fats. One thing that most fitness magazines don't do very well is tell you how to incorporate these two aspects seamlessly into your routine. Keep in mind, when watching your nutrition and exercising, you need to be getting the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables each day. If you are consuming more than this amount, you are not getting the right nutrients to power your body and aren't making the most of your workouts.


* Nutrition and Health: Just like any other magazine, the fitness and health section of the paper has a great editorial content. Most editors are very knowledgeable about both of these subjects, and it shows through the content of the magazine. When you are reading an issue of this magazine, you will see exactly what kind of nutrition advice the editor-in-chief is giving. It's easy to tell who is an expert in this field. The writer for this particular magazine has a Master's Degree specializing in both exercise physiology and nutrition, so you know you are getting a very good education. Seek more info at


The fitness magazines you see in drugstores and groceries are geared toward men, but they do include a women's section as well. Many women are becoming more aware of their health needs and are joining gyms in an increasing number. While it is good that more women are taking part in fitness activities, many fitness magazines tend to only focus on male athletes and body builders. While a lot of men can benefit from a well-rounded workout routine, there are women who have a much higher tolerance for high intensity exercises.


A fitness magazine needs to have a balanced editorial content. Not only should the advice and articles to be useful to the reader, but they also need to promote a healthy lifestyle. You don't want to see a page of diet tips, because if someone takes that advice and starts eating too much, they aren't going to benefit from it, and won't start working out either. An editor-in-chief needs to know exactly which direction they are leaning, and work to publish information that will encourage readers, as well as being informative and educational.

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